Safety First

Monday, October 20, 2008

Rum On The Rocks

As though we don’t have enough alkies, oops, alcoholically-challenged people on the street already, word today is that yet another rumshop is coming to the Road View/Mullins Bay area. It has come to this blogger’s attention that application has already been made to government to convert the use of Jonkanoo (blue building pictured above from residential to commercial for the purpose of opening a beach bar. This would bring to four (4) the number of new bars opened in this little community in just about the last year alone (counting Sunset Bar & Grill, Chattel House Bar & Grill [already changed hands since opening], and Morganns Variety & Bar). Jonkanoo, which is across the street from the still relatively new Sunset Bar & Grill, used to be rented as a beachfront cottage and was rumored to be locked up in a lawsuit. My guess is that the lawsuit has been resolved and/or the property has been sold or rented to new interests who probably think the lot is better suited for selling rum on the beach. The “beach” (what’s left of it) in front of Jonkanoo is a pile of rocks (see photo below) thanks to the ongoing beach erosion in the area accelerated by the groins placed on the beach a few hundred yards to the north at what they are now calling St. Peter’s Bay Condos which are still under construction. It will be next door to Cassandra Apartments which itself replaced what used to be the Green Lizard Bar, so we can now truly say of this locale that what goes around comes around, of course, not that that latter phrase was coined by a drunk or anything.

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1 comment:

  1. I dip into this Blog every so often and thoroughly enjoy keeing up to date with events on this stretch of the coast. thank you very much for your efforts and the pictures. We visit as tourists and have stayed at Legends Condos several times and will be back before the end of the year. Best wishes to everyone.
